GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 95-10 - Appointment of Associate Judges





UPON RECEIPT OF A LETTER DATED June 2, 1995, in which the Assistant Director of the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts has certified the judges receiving the requisite 3/5ths vote in favor of reappointment as Associate Judge, I hereby declare the following one hundred thirty-eight (138) certified persons to be appointed as Associate Judges of the Circuit Court of Cook County, effective July 1, 1995, their terms to expire on June 30, 1999.

Amirante, Sam L. Linn, James B.
Aukstik, William J. Lipnick, Clarence S.
Baker, Reginald H. Loverde, Charles M.
Barish, Charles I. Macellaio, Joseph M.
Bastone, Robert P. Magnes, Ronald E.
Bedoya, Consuelo E. Malak, Jeffrey A.
Berry, John Martin Mannion, John J.
Bowie, Preston L. Marbly, Wendell P.
Brodhay, Stephen Y. May, Charles M.
Brownfield, Gary L. McBride, John F.
Buoscio, Harry R. McCooey, Brendan J.
Campion, Eugene C. McCourt, James P.
Carlson, Brent F. McDonough, Martin E.
Carroll, Lawrence W. Meacham, Clifford L.
Casciato, Joseph N. Meekins, Frank W.
Cervini, Donna L. Miranda, Daniel R.
Cipolla, Carl J. Morrissey, George M.
Coco, Gloria G. Morse, J. Patrick
Cohen, Judith Murphy, James V.
Cole, George W. Murray, Michael J.
Condon, Thomas J. Nealis, Paul J.
Crandell, Rosaland M. Nix, Robert F.
Cunningham, Abishi C. Olson, Ronald W.
Davis, Ronald S. Orbach, Jerome M.
DeBoni, Frank Orr, Marcia B.
Dempsey, Julia Quinn Paul, Alfred J.
Dernbach, Dennis A. Perdomo, Saul Anthony
Dickler, Grace G. Perivolidis, Arthur C.
Divane, John J. Pomaro, Nicholas T.
Donegan, James G. Pope, Michael J.
Donnersberger, David R. Porcellino, Charles E.
Dowdle, Richard E. Porter, Dennis J.
Erickson, David A. Pucillo, Joan M.
Fiala, Jr., Edward M. Retke, Robert R.
Fink, Howard L. Rhine, Wayne D.
Flaherty, John M. Richardson, Edwin J.
Fox, Lawrence P. Rivers, D. Adolphus
Gamberdino, Nello P. Rochford, Mary K.
Garber, Sheldon C. Rohrer, Gerald T.
Gausselin, Edwin A. Romano, Joseph H.
Gavin, Marvin E. Ryan, James J.
Gembala, Francis A. Sacks, Stanley J.
Gierach, Will E. Malone, Marcus R.
Gillespie, Daniel T. Sands, Norman
Goier, Rene Schreier, James M.
Grogan, John B. Scotillo, John J.
Grossi, Gilbert J. Sheehan, Jr., Michael F.
Gulbrandsen, Perry J. Sheridan, Paul M.
Hall, Calvin H. Smierciak, Robert M.
Hamilton, R. Morgan Snow, Susan
Harrison, Miriam E. Sorrentino, John M.
Hibbler, William J. Spurlock, Oliver M.
Hoffenberg, Earl B. Stack, James F.
Houser, Ann Stuttley, Michael W.
Janura, Jr., Arthur L. Sumner, Thomas R.
Johnson-Speh, Sandi G. Szwed, Timothy
Kaplan, Jordan Tucker, Thomas M.
Karahalios, Pamela G. Ward, Jr., William F.
Kavitt, Richard A. Wasilewski, John A.
Kawamoto, Lynne Welter, Daniel G.
Kelly, Richard S. White, LaBrenda E.
Kipperman, Carol A. Wilens, Gene
Kogan, Randye A. Williams, Walter
Kowalski, Thaddeus L. Winiecki, Gerald T.
Kutrubis, Lambros J. Wood, William S.
LaCien, Richard A. Wrenn, Leo F.
Laurie, John G. Wright, Willie B.
Leiken, Mitchell Zagone, Nicholas S.
Lieb, Philip S. Zissman, Michael C.


Dated this 30th day of June, 1995. This order shall be spread upon the records of this Court and published.


Donald P. O'Connell
Chief Judge
Circuit Court of Cook County

Copyright 2020 by Circuit Court of Cook County