Sex Offender Program 

The Social Service Department's Sex Offender Program manages cases of offenders referred to the department with sexually related offenses, regardless of whether it is a sex offense by criminal statute.  The Social Service Department has designated highly skilled professional staff experienced in working with sex offenders to provide a highly structured, intensive supervision program. 
Caseworkers create specific, individualized intervention plans to break through offenders' entrenched denial, rationalization, minimization and manipulation.  All offenders in the program receive intensive supervision, requiring frequent contact with their caseworker. Review of police reports for current and past offenses allows caseworkers to be aware of the circumstances of each arrest and to confront offenders regarding any patterns of illegal behavior.  Caseworkers also conduct regular criminal record investigations to respond promptly to any subsequent arrests.  Offenders are directed to comply with any statutory requirements regarding registration, DNA indexing and STD/HIV testing.  Caseworkers notify employers where required by statute. 
Offenders are referred for evaluation and treatment to community agencies that follow the standards of practice established by the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA).  Caseworkers collaborate with the treatment providers for joint case planning and substantive communication regarding offenders' progress in treatment.  If appropriate, caseworkers also make referrals to community resources for such services as substance abuse treatment, mental health or other forms of counseling.

Copyright 2020 by Circuit Court of Cook County