How Do I ?




How do I know which kind of protective order to request?
If you would like to request a protective order, but do not know which kind of order is appropriate for your circumstance, you can download a PDF that explains the different legal remedies available. Click here.

How do I find assistance in filling out my protective order?
There are three ways to obtain assistance with seeking a protective order.
1. An online program is available to assist you before coming to court.  The program will guide you through filling out all the necessary paperwork for an order of protection.  After completing the paperwork, you can print and bring it to the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in the appropriate courthouse where you will be filing.  To access this helpful online program, click here.

2. While there are no online programs to assist you with filling out stalking no contact orders or civil no contact orders, you can access the necessary forms online and print and fill them out before  coming to the appropriate courthouse.  To access the forms, click here.

3. Assistance may be available for you at the courthouse as follows:

Domestic Violence Courthouse in Chicago (First Municipal District)
    Go directly to the screening room, Room 1400, and check in at the help desk where staff will direct you to the appropriate resources within the courthouse.

Suburban Municipal Districts 2, 3, 4 ,5 , and 6
        Go to the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court and tell personnel you want to file a protective order.  Clerk personnel will give you the required forms which you can fill out by yourself. If you require assistance in filling them out, clerk personnel can direct you to the appropriate resources within the building. After all the paperwork is completed, you must return to the clerk's office to file it.  Clerk personnel will then direct you to the courtroom where your case will be heard.

How do I know when to come back to court?
The location, date, time, and courtroom number are located at the bottom of the front page of the protective order.  Please refer to that information to learn where and when you must appear in court.

Where can I find assistance with domestic violence issues?
There are domestic violence advocacy organizations located in many of the courthouses which may be able to offer assistance to persons seeking or responding to orders of protection. However, advocates may not always be immediately available if they are busy assisting others.

You can also speak with a domestic violence advocate by calling the Illinois Domestic Violence Help Line at (877) 863-6338.  This is a toll-free, confidential, multilingual 24-hour information service staffed by trained personnel.  They can answer questions and provide referrals to advocates for additional help.

How do I terminate an order of protection?
If criminal, contact the State's Attorney's Office at (312)325-9200.

If civil, file a motion with the Clerk of the Circuit Court's Office.

How do I get help if there is protective order entered against me?
A brochure of services you may need as a respondent of a protective order is available for download. Click here. Additionally, you may call the Illinois Domestic Violence Help Line at (877) 863-6338 for other referrals.




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