Civil Sureties

To act as a surety in civil cases in the Circuit Court of Cook County, the company must (1) be licensed by the Illinois Department of Insurance to act as a civil surety under the Illinois Insurance Code and (2) be authorized by the Chief Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County.  (See Rules 9.1(b) and 9.2(a)(ii) of the Rules of the Circuit Court of Cook County).

The following information applies only to civil sureties in the Circuit Court of Cook County. 

For Bonds-Sureties, Part 9 of the Rules of the Circuit Court of Cook County, click here.

For a list of currently authorized civil surety companies and their attorneys-in-fact, click here.

For information on petitioning the court for authorization to act as a civil surety, click here.

For a downloadable petition application packet, click here.

Copyright 2020 by Circuit Court of Cook County