Surety Section 
Office of the Chief Judge



Hearings on petitions filed between July 1, 2023 and July 15, 2023 requesting authorization to act as a bond certificate guarantor in the Circuit Court of Cook County will be conducted by Supervising Judge Carolyn J. Gallagher on July 28, 2023 at 9:30 am via Zoom.

Zoom Meeting ID: 860 6605 6913
Passcode: 101010

The Surety Section is established pursuant to General Order No. 1.1(c) of the Circuit Court of Cook County.  The Surety Section is responsible for the authorization of civil sureties and bond certificate guarantors, the revocation of that authority, the collection and enforcement of liabilities arising from civil surety and guarantor obligations, and the general supervision of civil sureties, guarantors, and their agents.

For information on civil sureties, click here.

For a list of currently authorized civil surety companies (ordered alphabetically) and their respective attorneys-in-fact, click here.

For information on bond certificate guarantors, click here.

For information for Law Enforcement Officers on Bond Cards, click here.

Should you have any questions about Surety Section policies or procedures, or if you would like to request a paper copy of any materials, please contact

Copyright 2020 by Circuit Court of Cook County