GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 2021-05: Domestic Violence Division Cases, Remote Proceedings, Continuance of Pending Cases


1. All cases heard in the Domestic Violence Division, from July 26, 2021 , through August
11 , 2021 , and continued for an in-person appearance for any proceeding other than a
contested hearing shall be continued for a remote appearance 21 days from the currently
scheduled court date;

2. In pursuit of the best practices for conducting court proceedings in person, all proceedings
regarding emergency orders of protection shall be conducted by videoconference, with the
understanding that each impending court proceeding may be evaluated by the judge
presiding to determine whether it is appropriate for some or all pat1icipants to appear in

3. Unless otherwise required by the interests of justice, as determined by the judge presiding,
remote proceedings shall be held for the following matters:

a. emergency orders of protection

b. status hearings;

c. hearings on motions;

d. default and uncontested matters;

e. for good cause shown, upon waiver of physical appearance by both parties, and at
the discretion of the judge presiding, contested evidentiary hearings;

f. meetings with the Child Relief Expediter;

4. All orders extended pursuant to section 1 of this order shall be entered by the circuit clerk
into the circuit clerk's case management system and transmitted by the circuit clerk to the
sheriff for entry into the LEADS system.

5. For purposes of this order, an "emergency order of protection" shall mean an emergency
order with respect to civil no contact orders, civil orders of protection, firearms restraining
orders, and stalking no contact orders;

6. To the extent provisions of this order conflict with Cook County Cir. Ct. G.A.0. 2020-07,
the provisions of this order shall apply.

Dated this 11th day of August, 2021, and effective immediately.

Copyright 2020 by Circuit Court of Cook County