GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 2019-06 Lisa J. Gillard, Restricted Filing

The court's Executive Committee has made the following findings:

Lisa J. Gillard has filed numerous cases in the circuit court of Cook County. Many of
these cases were dismissed for want of prosecution, lack of merit, or on motions filed by various
defendants. Ms. Gillard has filed many cases against high profile defendants, including former
Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan; Cook Cow1ty Board President Toni Preckwinkle; Cook
County Sheriff Thomas J. Dart; the Cook County Sheriff's Department, the State of Illinois, and
various judges of the circuit court of Cook County.

Ms. Gillard has also been named a defendant based on the underlying facts of several of
her pending claims, and has been prosecuted and found guilty of criminal conduct for her actions
relating to those cases. She sued several Cook County Sheriffs deputies in a case before the circuit
court of Cook County for an incident in which she resisted arrest. The case was dismissed, with
prejudice, and subsequently dismissed on appeal. Ms. Gi.llard's remaining Law Division cases
were subsequently consolidated for her convenience, and placed before Judge Clare E.
Mc Williams.

In spite of the accommodation by the court and Judge McWilliams' cooperation and
respectful demeanor, once Judge Mc Williams made a single ruling against Ms. Gillard, the judge
received several threating letters. Each letter contained Ms. Gillard's accusations of vicious and
willful criminal conduct, including, among other things, allegations of harassment, stalking,
conspiracy, entering illegal orders, and allowing murder in her courtroom. Further, Ms. Gillard has
exhibited threatening behavior towards opposing counsel during the motion call, and has exhibited
aggressive and menacing behavior toward other judges and sherifrs deputies.

Further, Ms. Gillard has asserted that several judges, including Judges Jim Ryan, Robert
Kuzas, Clarence Burch, Sebastian Patti (Ret.), and Megan Goldish, are involved in a conspiracy,
along with Judge Mc Williams, Cook C0tmty, and all of Illinois government, to deprive her and all
"blacks and the poor" of their constitutional civil rights. Within this context, Ms. Gillard regularly
engages in judge "forum shopping" when a court rules against her, claiming such ruling is part of
the conspiracy. Ms. Gillard constantly disobeys courtroom protocol, accuses judges of unseemly
conduct and criminal behavior, and physically threatens opposing counsel in court. Further, Ms.
Gillard publically displays her displeasure with the court through multiple Twitter posts regarding
the incidents articulated in this order.

Additionally, Ms. Gillard has filed various motions and complaints in the Appellate Court
of Illinois, First District, the Federal District Court of Illinois, Northern District, and the Seventh
Circuit Court of Appeals. The Appellate Court issued warnings to Ms. Gillard regarding her
persistent misuse of the court system. Similarly, the Seventh Circuit, in two separate cases, found
that the underlying complaints in Ms. Gillard's appeals were frivolous, baseless, and brought in
bad faith. Both courts warned Ms. Gillard that if she continues to file frivolous appeals, she will be
subject to sanctions or restrictions on future litigation.

Based on the aforementioned examples of Ms. Gillard's conduct, it is the judgment
of the Executive Committee that reasonable and necessary security measures be put in place
for the safety and security of court personnel and for the orderly administration of justice.
Therefore, in order to ensure a safe and secure environment in all facilities of the
circuit court of Cook County, the fair and orderly administration of justice and the judicial
process, and the safety and well-being of all judges, attorneys, litigants, and court
personnel, and the Executive Committee of the court having reviewed the above
information and having been fully advised in the premises, and on the recommendation of
the Executive Committee,

1. Unless she is scheduled to appear in a proceeding in which she is a party, Lisa J.
Gillard, of P.O. Box 805993, Chicago, Illinois 60680, is prohibited entry to any and
all facilities of the circuit court of Cook County without the prior, written
permission of the Executive Committee of the circuit court of Cook County.

2. To obtain permission to enter a facility of the circuit court of Cook County, Ms. Gillard
must petition the Executive Committee by letter addressed to Executive Committee, c/o
Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans, Circuit Court of Cook County, 50 W. Washington St. ,
Room 2600, Richard J. Daley Center, Chicago, Illinois 60602, not less than 14 days
before her proposed visit. In the letter, Ms. Gillard shall state the purpose of her visit, the
date and time of her proposed visit, and the location of the court facility. Ms. Gillard will
be notified by mail of the decision of the Executive Committee.

3. If Ms. Gillard seeks leave to proceed in forma pauperis, the Executive Committee will
determine if such leave should be granted. The Committee will deny leave to file any
complaint which is frivolous or merely duplicative of matters already litigated.

4. Any documents submitted by, or on behalf of, Ms. Gillard must be sent to the Executive
Committee for approval before filing.

5. If the Executive Committee enters an order denying leave to file the documents, the
circuit clerk shall mail a copy of the order to Ms. Gillard,and the documents shall be
returned to Ms. Gillard.

6. If the Executive Committee enters an order granting leave to file the documents, the
circuit clerk shall file-stamp the documents, place them in the court file, and shall assign
any new case to a judge in accordance with the rules. The clerk shall also mail a copy of
the order to Ms. Gillard.

7. Ms. Gillard's failure to comply with this order may, in the discretion of the Executive
Committee, subject her to the penalties for contempt.

8. In cases in which Ms. Gillard is a party and is required to be physically present before the
court on a scheduled matter, Ms. Gillard shall check in with a Cook County Sheriffs
deputy on duty at the entrance to the court facility and inform the deputy of the place and
time of the court proceeding.
9. If the purpose of Ms. Gillard' s proposed visit is compliance with a court order, she shall
mail a copy of that order to the Executive Co1mnittee, c/o Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans,
Circuit Court of Cook County, 50 W. Washington St., Room 2600, Richard J. Daley
Center, Chicago, Illinois 60602. The order shall serve as authorization to enter the
designated court facility as described below.
10. On the date of any permitted visit, Ms. Gillard shall report to the Office of the Cook
County Sheriff in the facility to be visited and present the Executive Committee's letter
authorizing her entry or the court order requiring her presence. A deputy sheriff shall
escort Ms. Gillard to the approved location, and the sheriffs deputy shall remain with
Ms. Gillard at all times while she is in the facility. Upon completion of her approved
visit, Ms. Gillard shall be escorted out of the facility by the sheriffs deputy.
11. Nothing in this order shall be construed to affect Ms. Gillard's ability to defend herself in
any criminal action or to litigate her interest as a party in any civil action.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the circuit clerk shall disable any
password issued to Ms. Gillard for access to the electronic filing system until further order
of the court;
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the circuit clerk shall create and maintain a file "In
the Matter of Lisa J. Gillard." This file shall serve as a repository for this order as well as any
correspondence or court orders generated as a result of this order and shall be kept in the
administrative office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Room 1001 , Richard J.
Daley Center; and
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the circuit clerk shall mail and email a copy
of this order to Ms. Gillard, at P.O. Box 805993 , Chicago, Illinois 60680 and, and the sheriff of Cook County shall serve a copy
of this order personally upon Ms. Gillard.
Dated at Chicago, Illinois, this a ~nl-- day of May, 2019.Based on the aforementioned examples of Ms. Gillard's conduct, it is the judgment
of the Executive Committee that reasonable and necessary security measures be put in place
for the safety and security of court personnel and for the orderly administration of justice.
Therefore, in order to ensure a safe and secure environment in all facilities of the
circuit court of Cook County, the fair and orderly administration of justice and the judicial
process, and the safety and well-being of all judges, attorneys, litigants, and court
personnel, and the Executive Committee of the court having reviewed the above
information and having been fully advised in the premises, and on the recommendation of
the Executive Committee,
1. Unless she is scheduled to appear in a proceeding in which she is a party, Lisa J.
Gillard, of P.O. Box 805993, Chicago, Illinois 60680, is prohibited entry to any and
all facilities of the circuit court of Cook County without the prior, written
permission of the Executive Committee of the circuit court of Cook County.
2. To obtain permission to enter a facility of the circuit court of Cook County, Ms. Gillard
must petition the Executive Committee by letter addressed to Executive Committee, c/o
Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans, Circuit Court of Cook County, 50 W. Washington St. ,
Room 2600, Richard J. Daley Center, Chicago, Illinois 60602, not less than 14 days
before her proposed visit. In the letter, Ms. Gillard shall state the purpose of her visit, the
date and time of her proposed visit, and the location of the court facility. Ms. Gillard will
be notified by mail of the decision of the Executive Committee.
3. If Ms. Gillard seeks leave to proceed in .forma pauperis, the Executive Committee will
determine if such leave should be granted. The Committee will deny leave to file any
complaint which is frivolous or merely duplicative of matters already litigated.
4. Any documents submitted by, or on behalf of, Ms. Gillard must be sent to the Executive
Committee for approval before filing.
5. If the Executive Committee enters an order denying leave to file the docwnents, the
circuit clerk shall mail a copy of the order to Ms. Gillard,and the documents shall be
returned to Ms. Gillard.
6. If the Executive Committee enters an order granting leave to file the documents, the
circuit clerk shall file-stamp the documents, place them in the court file, and shall assign
any new case to a judge in accordance with the rules. The clerk shall also mail a copy of
the order to Ms. Gillard.
7. Ms. Gillard's failure to comply with this order may, in the discretion of the Executive
Committee, subject her to the penalties for contempt.
8. In cases in which Ms. Gillard is a pai.iy and is required to be physically present before the
court on a scheduled matter, Ms. Gillard shall check in with a Cook County Sheriffs
deputy on duty at the entrance to the court facility and inform the deputy of the place and
time of the court proceeding.

9. If the purpose of Ms. Gillard' s proposed visit is compliance with a court order, she shall
mail a copy of that order to the Executive Committee, c/o Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans,
Circuit Court of Cook County, 50 W. Washington St., Room 2600, Richard J. Daley
Center, Chicago, Illinois 60602. The order shall serve as authorization to enter the
designated court facility as described below.

10. On the date of any permitted visit, Ms. Gillard shall report to the Office of the Cook
County Sheriff in the facility to be visited and present the Executive Committee's letter
authorizing her entry or the court order requiring her presence. A deputy sheriff shall
escort Ms. Gillard to the approved location, and the sheriffs deputy shall remain with
Ms. Gillard at all times while she is in the facility. Upon completion of her approved
visit, Ms. Gillard shall be escorted out of the facility by the sheriffs deputy.

11. Nothing in this order shall be construed to affect Ms. Gillard's ability to defend herself in
any criminal action or to litigate her interest as a party in any civil action.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the circuit clerk shall disable any
password issued to Ms. Gillard for access to the electronic filing system until further order
of the court;

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the circuit clerk shall create and maintain a file "In
the Matter of Lisa J. Gillard." This file shall serve as a repository for this order as well as any
correspondence or court orders generated as a result of this order and shall be kept in the
administrative office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Room 1001 , Richard J.
Daley Center; and

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the circuit clerk shall mail and email a copy
of this order to Ms. Gillard, at P.O. Box 805993 , Chicago, Illinois 60680 and, and the sheriff of Cook County shall serve a copy
of this order personally upon Ms. Gillard.

Dated at Chicago, Illinois, this 23rd day of May, 2019.

Copyright 2020 by Circuit Court of Cook County