GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No.: 2018-05 Appointment of Associate Judges

Based upon the receipt of letters dated May 21 , 2018, and June 8, 2018, in which the Director
of the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts has certified the 17 persons listed below as
having received the highest number of votes in the election for 1 7 associate judgeships of the
Circuit Court of Cook County, conducted pursuant to a notice published January 9, 2017,
and in which the ballots were mailed and delivered to the Director, the following 17 persons
have been declared certified for appointment as associate judges of the Circuit Court of
Cook County, and

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the persons listed below are hereby appointed to the office of
Associate Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, effective July 1, 2018, their terms to
expire on June 30, 2019:

BEACH, Charles Stanley
BUIKEMA, Joel David
CHRONES, Jeffery George
CLEARY, Gerald Vernon Patrick, III
GOLDEN, Jean Mary
GREEN, Sanju Oommen
HANLON, James Edward, Jr.
KUBALANZA, Joan Marie G.
MACKOFF, Myron Franklin
MILLER, Stephanie Kathryn
MOJICA, Lisette Catherine
OGAREK, Margaret Mary
ROSEN, Lori Michele
ST ANTON, Patrick Thomas
TREVINO, Daniel Alexander
WRIGHT, James A.
YU, William

Dated this 18th day of June, 2018.

Copyright 2020 by Circuit Court of Cook County