GENERAL ORDER NO. 1.5 - Administrative Units

The following units of the Circuit Court of Cook County shall function as follows:

(a) The Forensic Clinical Services Department - The Forensic Clinical Services Department provides diagnostic and clinical services for adults, juveniles and families referred by the Court. Diagnostic impressions, opinions and recommendations are formulated in written reports submitted to the Court and expert court testimony is provided as mandated.

(b) Social Services Department - The Social Services Department provides (1) social and counseling service to persons referred to it by the court, and (2) supervision of persons under supervision and conditional discharge by order of the Court.

(c) Office of the Public Guardian - The Office of the Public Guardian acts (1) as public guardian in cases in which the office is appointed as guardian pursuant to 755 ILCS 5/13-5, and (2) as attorney and guardian ad litem in cases in which the office is appointed by order of the Court in any division of the Circuit Court of Cook County.

(d) Hearing Officer Division - The Hearing Officer Division is appointed by this Court as the administrative body (1) to conduct hearings which shall determine the future status of the child pursuant to 42 U.S.C.A. 675 (1)(5)(c) and 705 ILCS 405/2-28, (2) to conduct predispositional conferences pursuant to 705 ILCS 405/2-21.1, and (3) to perform other duties as assigned by the Court.

[Amended, effective August 1, 1996.]

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