Statement from Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans regarding Judge William H. Hooks

Released On 06/29/2023

This court has been made aware of allegations against the Hon. William H. Hooks which, if true, would violate the Illinois Code of Judicial Conduct.

Following a June 29 meeting of the Circuit Court of Cook County Executive Committee, I issued an order, pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 56, assigning Judge Hooks to restricted duties or duties other than judicial duties in the office of the First Municipal District Presiding Judge E. Kenneth Wright, Jr., subject to further order of the court.

Thursday’s order was issued to promote public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary and is effective immediately. Also, as a result of the Executive Committee meeting, and pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 2.15, this matter has been referred to the Judicial Inquiry Board, which has the authority to investigate the matter.

The Executive Committee is composed of the Circuit Court’s presiding judges.


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