A message from Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans regarding the November 3 election

Released On 09/15/2020

The following is a statement from Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans: 

            “At this time, as the general public, quite appropriately, prepares for the November 3 election by reviewing the qualifications and performance of many of our judges, it is important to remember that people who take the oath to be a Cook County Circuit Court judge are ethically bound to be independent in their rulings, free from fear or favor. 

            “They take an oath to, ‘support the constitution of the United States, and the constitution of the State of Illinois.’  Independence does not mean judges are independent of the Constitution from which they derive their power or independent of the laws that they are sworn to uphold.  

            “I believe that the vast majority of the judges who have served in the Cook County Circuit Court during my tenure as chief judge have served with a sense of respect and awe for the seriousness of their calling and have performed their duties impartially, free of inappropriate influences.  It is also important to remember that legal results we wish were different are often, nevertheless, good legal decisions.” 



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