Chief Judge Evans announces date for Asian Pacific American Day Courthouse Tours

Released On 04/18/2016

Circuit Court of Cook County Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans announced the court will celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month on Wednesday, May 18, 2016, with a tour of the Richard J. Daley Center Courthouse, 50 West Washington Street, Chicago, beginning at 10 a.m.

The tour is co-sponsored by the Circuit Court and the following bar organizations: the Asian American Bar Association of the Greater Chicago Area, the Chinese American Bar Association, the Filipino-American Lawyers Association of Chicago, the South Asian Bar Association of Chicago, and the Korean American Bar Association.

The Daley Center is the main courthouse for the Circuit Court of Cook County, one of the nation’s largest unified court systems.  Tour highlights will include a visit to a courtroom to observe a civil trial in progress, an informal question and answer session with a judge, and the opportunity to meet with bar association representatives.

Tour participants will receive a copy of the court’s guide which offers helpful information about how the Circuit Court of Cook County is structured, explains the basics of trial proceedings, and includes a directory of court and county services.

Tour reservations are recommended.  Individuals or groups planning to attend the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Courthouse Tour should contact Milissa Pacelli, of the Circuit Court of Cook County’s Office of Accessibility and Education Outreach, at 312.603.1927 on or before Friday, May 13, 2016.  Persons attending the tour must be age ten and older, with a maximum of 35 persons to a group.

For more information about other courthouse tours and general information on the Circuit Court of Cook County, visit



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