Extended Media Coverage Program

Media coverage of court proceedings with cameras and audio recording devices is known as Extended Media Coverage (EMC). Effective January 5, 2015, EMC has been permitted in the courtrooms in the Leighton Criminal Court Building on a case by case basis. 

The  prohibition on the use of cameras and audio recording devices by the public in Illinois courtrooms otherwise remains in effect. 

The court requires a media organization to initiate a request for EMC through a media coordinator. A media coordinator is an individual who media organizations have agreed to designate to act on their collective behalf concerning EMC. There are two kinds of media coordinators: 1) an administrative media coordinator coordinates requests by media organizations and is the primary liaison between the media and the court for purposes of EMC; 2) an on-site media coordinator supervises EMC in the courtroom and is designated by the administrative coordinator or media organizations participating in the coverage of a specific proceeding.

The position of administrative media coordinator is currently vacant.  Until media organizations fill the position, EMC requests for a court proceeding may be submitted by a member of a media organization who has been approved by the Chief Judge to serve as a media coordinator.  If appointed, the media coordinator will coordinate EMC of that proceeding on behalf of his or her own media organization as well as all other interested media organizations.

Click here for a media coordinator application. Applications should be sent to mary.wisniewski@cookcountyil.gov. See "Media" tab below for further details on the duties of a media coordinator.


For an easy to follow guide on how the Extended Media Coverage Pilot Program will work in the Circuit Court of Cook County, select the "Power Point" tab below. 


Self-represented parties and witnesses are entitled to free assistance from the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court if they wish to object to Extended Media Coverage. For details, select the "Objections" tab below.


For information on how news media organizations request permission to use cameras and audio recording devices to cover a court proceeding, select the "Media" tab below.


Select the "Rules" tab below to view the Illinois Supreme Court Extended Media  Policy and the Circuit Court of Cook County's General Administrative Order on Extended Media Coverage.

For orders entered by the judge assigned to a case that grant EMC of a proceeding and which may include additional restrictions and requirements imposed by that judge, select the "Case Information" tab below.

  • Media
  • Power Point
  • Objections
  • Rules
  • Court Forms
    Copyright 2020 by Circuit Court of Cook County