19A.14 Pre-Hearing Conference

(A) The court may convene a pre-hearing conference on its own motion or upon the request of any party.

(B) Depending upon the circumstance of the case, the purposes of pre-hearing conference shall be to:

(1) Review efforts to locate and serve all parties;

(2) Determine whether the child shall be present and testify at adjudication and, if so, under what conditions;

(3) Conclude any unresolved discovery matters;

(4) Identify issues of law and fact for trial;

(5) Develop a list of possible witnesses with a brief summary of their testimony and stipulations; and

(6) Confirm the trial date and estimate the length of the trial.

(C) Parties shall have a continuing obligation to update information provided during the pre-hearing conference.

[Adopted December 31, 1992, effective January 4, 1993.]

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