19A.2 Answer and Motion with Respect to Pleadings

(A) Form and Content of Answer

All answers must be filed in writing. The answer may deny all legal conclusions in the petition generally. The answer shall admit or deny each factual allegation, state that the respondent lacks knowledge sufficient to form a belief and attach an affidavit of the truth of the statement of lack of knowledge, or refuse to answer based on the respondent's Fifth Amendment right against self incrimination.

(B) Time for Filing

An answer or motion with respect to pleadings must be filed within twenty one (21) days after the date of the filing of the petition or the Rule 19A.1 Section B supplemental petition whichever is later. Upon motion and a showing of good cause the court may extend the time for filing.

[Adopted December 31, 1992, effective January 4, 1993.]

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