10.3.1 Motion to Expunge Redemption

(a) Notice. The Movant shall send Notice of Motion, with the Motion attached to the following:
(i) For motions filed prior to the filing of Petition for Tax Deed:
(1) County Clerk;
(2) Party making redemption; and
(3) Part entitled to Section 241 (a) Notice [35 ILCS 200/22-5].
(ii) For motions filed after the filing of Petition for Tax Deed:
(1) County Clerk;
(2) Party making redemption;
(3) Party entitled to Section 241 (a) Notice [35 ILCS 200/22-5]; and
(4) Party(ies) entitled to Section 263 and/or Section 266 Notice.

[Adopted November 23, 1992, effective December 1, 1992.]

    Copyright 2020 by Circuit Court of Cook County